Salons Cherry Hill


Keep Your Hair Healthy at Home

Keep Your Hair Healthy at Home

Right now, taking care of your hair at home is absolutely essential to keeping it healthy and beautiful. When your hair isn’t getting the attention it needs, it is much more prone to breakage, splits ends, and frizz. Good habits are a must if you want to make sure your hair stays healthy during this time of social isolation. As promised in our last post, we’re here today to talk about some of the best ways to maintain gorgeous hair all on your own!

Begin in the shower. This seems simple enough, but it only takes a couple of missteps in the shower to have disastrous results for your hair. Choose a shampoo and conditioner that works with your hair type and texture (your stylist is an expert at this, ask for recommendations if you’re not sure!). Additionally, showering with warm-no hot- water will keep your scalp from drying out.

Take care of your scalp! Speaking of your scalp, healthy hair needs a healthy scalp from which to grow. Sadly, some of us are not very good at taking good care of this essential part of the equation. While shampooing does a great job of cleaning your scalp and hair, overdoing it will strip your head of the oils it needs to keep your hair in good shape. If you do experience dry scalp, you can apply a light moisturizing oil before you go to bed at night for relief.

Protect from heat. We all do things that can ultimately hurt our hair, but taking precautions to limit this is the key to keeping hair as healthy as possible. Before you even think about picking up a heated styling tool, be sure to use a protective product and sensible styling methods to minimize damage. This will ensure that you minimize the damaging effects. Keep in mind that holding the dryer further away from your head will help keep the hair from getting frizzy or developing split ends, as well.

Use products lightly. Using products that are specifically formulated to help with your hair type is important, but overusing it is a bad idea. Too much product will build up in your hair and wreak havoc to its health. Get a good grip on how much product you are using, from shampoo to leave-in conditioners or oils, and this will go a long way toward maintaining your hair’s natural beauty.

Take your vitamins! One of the easiest things you can do to help your hair is to make sure you are getting the nutrition that it needs! Nourishing your body is as easy as ensuring you are eating a healthy diet. Additionally, there are certain vitamins that directly affect how your hair grows and how much stress it can withstand. B complex, iron, vitamin d, and biotin are just a few of the vitamins that will enhance your mane from within.

These are just a few things you can do at home to ensure your hair stays as healthy as possible. For additional help, keep up with William Robert Salon online, or download our free mobile app. It’s available on iTunes or Google Play.

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