Salons Cherry Hill


Holiday Makeup Tips for Perfect Holiday Photos

Holiday Makeup Tips for Perfect Holiday Photos

For many of us, the holiday season means either formal holiday portraits or snapping photos at our in-person events for family, friends, or work. Now, with social distancing, you might even plan on getting together with family via zoom or another video platform. No matter the platform, you’ll want to look perfect for those photo ops, and the right makeup is important whether you’re smiling for the camera or on a video call. Here are some holiday tips for applying makeup that will help you look fabulous for those holiday memories.

Emphasize the eyes. While your eyes may look great in person, on-camera, or on video, you will need a more dramatic effect to help your eyes stand out. Add a little sparkle with your eyeshadow to the outer part of your eyelid to reflect the light in all the right places and give some bling, intensify your eye and brow liner to draw attention and accentuate the eyes, and if you really want to make a statement this season, ask your William Roberts stylist about eyelash extensions to give you full, dark, long lashes.

Illuminate your skin tone. If you aren’t familiar with a bronzer, it’s a great makeup tool used by makeup artists for amazing results. It gives a healthy glow to brighten your skin tone that’s perfect for pictures. There is such a thing as too much, however, so we recommend just a bit of bronzer all around the outside of your face to highlight your features.

Take care of that oily shine. Before you plan on being in front of the camera, or video, it’s a good idea to give your face a light cover with powder to control any oily shine that may show up on the camera’s flash. It will also help control shine that tends to pop up as the night goes on.

Give a natural glow with blush. Although blush has faded from most of our daily makeup routine, a little natural blush will help silhouette your cheeks while giving you a healthy, rosy glow for the camera. In addition to blush, you can try adding a light dusting of sparkle high on your cheekbones to reflect the light of the camera.

Pay attention to your lips. While you may have stopped wearing lipstick or lip gloss because of daily mask-wearing, you’ll want to give your lips some attention for pictures. Keep them hydrated by drinking water and adding a good-quality lip moisturizer. Before pictures, add a colored lip gloss or lipstick to bring your lips back to life and complete your whole makeup look for pictures that’ll last a lifetime.

Our professional makeup artists are here to help! We can give you a full face makeup application that will complement your natural beauty so that you are picture-perfect.

Make an appointment today at William Robert Salon and our makeup artists will give you the perfect look for your holiday pictures. You can find us at 1888 Marlton Pike East, Suite C, in Cherry Hill, NJ, or give us a call at 856-528-5681. If you prefer to instantly make your own appointment, download our free mobile app. It’s available on iTunes and Google Play.